part of the iComm program

io.Writing is maintained by volunteers from DeepSky Media who feel that resources for writers should be more readily accessible. This site is designed to address that need. We used to be mirrored at Internet Canada/ACC but due to a particularly spectacular exhibition of ignorance, general icompetence and intellectual decrepitude it has been shut down, as has the iComm program at that site. iComm now has it's own domain and they can be reached HERE. If you're interested in some entertaining examples of average ACC intellectual fortitude, you are welcome to look HERE . If you are looking for those folks you've come to know as the Usual Suspects around IO, you can probably track them down HERE . ACC has seen fit to shut down Internex Online as a result of rampant "Hacker Attacks". It seems they can't deal with that. Apparently running a phone company didn't fortify them with the technical aptitude to manage a few networked computers with anything approaching competence or panache. I'd just like to say, for posterity, that ACC blows goats. and yes, you can quote me on that. -Brian O'Reilly

On this web you will find links to news, reviews, agents, publishers, reference material, opinions ... and writing, of course! Whether you are looking for information on how to find an agent or how to use an apostrophe correctly, this site will point the way.

New resources, such as a mailing list and an e-zine, will soon become part of io.Writing as well.

Although we will try to keep this site as current and informative as possible, we could always use some help. If you know of a web site, newsgroup, file archive, or some other online resource of interest to writers which we've overlooked, feel free to drop us a line.

New And Noteworthy:

The second issue of Here Lies: The io.Writing Quarterly was released on September 23, 1996. Here Lies is a literary eZine compiled and edited by io.Writing members. It is also mirrored here : Here Lies #2

Also, we've added a "Literature For Sale Online" category to the Online Literature page so that we can help you locate online bookshops and other text resellers. If you know of any URLs we should add, please be sure to send 'em to us!


Last updated 17:32:31 Sunday October 13, CDT 1996
This Site was Mirrored at Internet Canada, but has since been
erased due to gross incompetence and general bad will towards everyone.